Palera1N Mod Github

Palera1N Mod Github

Your local changes would be overwritten by checkout

Run the following commands, and then try again:

You can’t perform that action at this time.

Other device-side changes

New team member since previous release: kok3shidoll New honourable contributor since previous release: staturnzz

You can also find all the files below here. The HTML documentation can be viewed here.

v2.0.0 beta 5: Tumbleweed

Content here is from a previous build of palera1n, use at your own risk. Also, please don't ask for support on previous builds of palera1n, it's recommended you use the latest build as you will most likely encounter less issues with our tool, if you continue to use a previous build, you are on your own.

Edit 1: Fixed usbmuxd dependency in the deb Edit 2: iOS builds now actually have the iOS binaries not the macOS one Edit 3: While master branch updated support for 16.4, this current build does not support 16.4. We are currently working on fixing up palera1n for a new beta.

Could not connect to lockdownd

Pairing dialog response pending (-19)

"Killed" issue (not "Killed: 9")

You ran out of RAM on the Linux Live CD.

Ways to fix the issue, ordered by which to try first:

Note 1: How to use persistent storage from Linux Live, with terminal

Note 2: Most Linux Installers will set up swap areas automatically during the install if you use guided partitioning (if such option exists) In order to create a 2GB swap area as root:

Error installing bootstrap. Status: -1

You're not jailbroken. Sideloading the loader app on its own will not work.

Please run the palera1n script on your computer to jailbreak your device.

Your device may get stuck on a verbose boot screen, and if you look closely you'll see a "jbinit DIED!" error near the top.

The simplest way to fix this is rm -rf blobs (use sudo if on Linux), then force reboot your device and try to jailbreak again.

For advanced users: You can also try re-copying the other/rootfs files manually to the device using SSHRD.

How to fix RocketBootstrap

If you have Ryan Petrich's RocketBootstrap installed on iOS 15 or above, it may cause nearly every app to crash or even respring loops, especially when Cephei is also installed. To fix this, follow the steps below.

This is an updated fix that should work with more tweaks than the Odyssey version.

This happens due to having a passcode set on A10-A11 devices when jailbreaking (or having previously set a passcode on iOS 16, even if it's currently turned off).

If you are on A10, use checkp4le.

If you don't want to use checkp4le and just want to have a passcode, or if you're on A11, you can use FakePass from this repo to have a passcode. However, this will only work in a jailbroken state (it can be bypassed by simply rebooting the device).

dpkg error: Read-only file system

Cannot download apps from the App Store

Install Choicy from this repo and disable tweak injection into the App Store.

Alternatively, disable tweak injection globally in the Substitute app and respring. You can re-enable it after downloading the apps you wanted.